Sunday, September 09, 2012

Prince Harry Nude Billiards Royal Blush Wine Label Painting #2, Ebay Art Auction

I've placed a second version of my 'Prince Harry Nude Billiards Royal Blush Wine Label' painting as a three day auction on Ebay-

Prince Harry naked nude billiards Royal Blush wine label painting #2

This painting is very similar to the first painting, with the same body placement and color theme but with many small variations.  Higher chroma and a more manly physique to Harry than in the first painting.

Thanks to the many sites which have posted stories regarding my painting during the past few days, including NewYork Magazine, Jezebel, Pink Is The New Blog, Huffington Post, Elle magazine, ETonline, Buzzfeed, etc. I've posted many of these links to my twitter.

Prince Harry Nude Billiards Royal Blush 'Wine Label' Painting #2- Ebay Art Auction

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